Ronja was my favourite, wild and dreamy, doing what she liked. And Madicken wasn't so bad either, though sometimes the stories around her a bit scary, like when Lisabeth hitch-hiked with the evil man and was left in the snow, before the nice couple picked her up. And Pippi, of course. And the Lion Heart Brothers…
There is no author that has shaped my childhood more than Astrid Lindgren. Just as she has influenced children all over the world.
The brand of Astrid lives on, not just in the hearts of all of us, but also on the Internet. The official website of Astrid Lindgren (run by her family, through the company Saltkråkan AB) has just been updated (in time for the Astrid Lindgren award), eleven years since it was first launched. So far it's in Swedish, but an English version is on the way. And perhaps other languages too.
In my opinion the site is a bit PC (politically correct), but anything for Astrid, hey!